Mirinda Cheers Sparkling Beer Flavor Soda, 500ml
Mirinda Cheers Sparkling Beer Flavor Soda, 500ml
Enjoy a unique and refreshing twist with Mirinda Cheers Sparkling Beer Flavor Soda. This 500ml bottle delivers the crisp and bubbly experience of beer, but with 0% alcohol, making it perfect for any occasion. Mirinda Cheers captures the essence of beer flavor with a sweet, sparkling finish, providing a delightful drink that’s both intriguing and refreshing. Whether you’re looking for a non-alcoholic alternative at social gatherings or simply want to try something different, Mirinda Cheers Sparkling Beer Flavor Soda is sure to satisfy your thirst with its bold and effervescent taste. Perfect for those who love to explore new and exciting flavors without the alcohol!
Product of China | Ships from California, USA
Foreign Product Notice: This product has a production date instead of an expiration date. To calculate the expiration date, add ( 9 ) months to the production date.