Fanta Green Apple Soda - 500ml
Fanta Green Apple Soda - 500ml
Quench your thirst with the crisp and tangy goodness of Fanta Green Apple Soda in a 500ml bottle. This soda is bursting with the vibrant flavor of green apples, reminiscent of the beloved Green Jolly Ranchers candy. Whether you're enjoying it as a refreshing beverage or as a sweet indulgence, Fanta Green Apple Soda is sure to tickle your taste buds with its fruity and familiar taste. Grab a bottle and relish the delightful flavor of green apples in every sip!
Product of China | Ships from California, USA
Foreign Product Notice: This product has a production date instead of an expiration date. To calculate the expiration date, add ( 9 ) months to the production date.