We changed our Domain Name: Exoticsnacks.com
Dear Valued customers,
We are thrilled to announce that our company has recently acquired a new domain name, which will replace our previous domain of [Exoticsnacksco.com] with [Exoticsnacks.com] on [12/27/2022]. The "co" in our previous domain name, which stands for "company," will be removed.
This change has been in the works for the past year and we are pleased to have reached an agreement with the seller. By updating our domain name, we aim to further establish ourselves as a trusted and innovative source of exotic snacks and beverages.
Our top priority remains to provide the best service to our customers. We understand that it may take some time for this transition to fully reflect in our search engine rankings. As huge favor, we would greatly appreciate it if you could manually search for our new domain name to help improve our search results.
Your assistance is much appreciated. We look forward to introducing even more exciting and exotic snacks and beverages for you to enjoy. Thank you for your continued support.
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